Area: Internal Medicine
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Date: June 8 to June 11
28th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection.
Blood pressure variability
Are all fixed-dose combinations appropriate and for which patients?
New insights in echocardiographic evaluation of hypertension
Practice guidelines from the WG to treat obesity induced hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia in obesity
From awareness to diagnosis: a key transition in managing hypertension
Guidelines in the diagnosis and treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease
Initial combination therapy for most patients: the challenge
The "nutritional pollution": Salt intake, BP and stroke
First-line use of a single-pill combination in all hypertensive patients: A new era?
Achieving targets and promoting adherence: the challenge ahead
Working with Julius - from Hemodynamics to the TROPHY
Should we measure pulse wave velocity in all hypertensive patients?
Large artery disease and atherosclerotic development in diabetes
Pharmacological intervention with beta blockers in hypertension and angina, real world evidence for long-term effectiveness
Microcirculation in diabetes - a disaster bed
Overcoming antihypertensive efficacy, keeping an eye on survivance