Area: Diabetology , Internal Medicine
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Date: September 11 to September 15
53rd EASD Annual Meeting.
Conclusion and Summary: Living with Contemporary T2DM Management AND Alirocumab versus usual care in diabetes with mixed dyslipidemia: ODYSSEY DM - DYSLIPIDEMIA
Subgroup analysis AND Alirocumab in insulin-treated individuals with type 1 and 2 diabetes: ODYSSEY DM - INSULIN
It’s time to avoid intensification inertia and serve early combination treatment to all AND Evidence matters but must you beat me with yet another CVOT?
Scientific Spotlight: Glucagon – A Complex Hormone
Cardiovascular risk management in type 2 diabetes – where are we?
The REMOVAL trial: a summary
The diabetes landscape revisited: recent trends and novel approaches